Delirio Habanero. Maintenance of props, costume, scenography and staging throughout 6 years (2006-2012) with presentations in Cuba and many other countries. Staging and assistant production for presentation in a Theater Festival in Sao Pablo, Brazil “VII Mostra Latino Americana de Teatro de Grupo 2012”.
The bedrock of my career as Set Designer was the experience I accumulated over six years while working with the Cuban theater company Teatro de La Luna. With them, I began to understand and explore the intricate world of scenery design and making. The work was always full-filling and challenging and involved a great deal of responsibility.
A particular rewarding moment was when my careers as visual artist and Set designer converged. Up until then, they had developed along separate paths as if disjointed. Upon the request of the company Director, Raul Martin, I progressed from initially being a technician and eventually a set designer to creating visual art for several theater plays.
My work with the Teatro de La Luna company spans three countries and 7 plays: Delirio Habanero by Alberto Pedro; Heaven by Fritz Kater; The First Time by Michal Walczak; The Golden Dragon by Roland Schimmelpfennig; Los Siervos by Virgilio Piñera; The Lady From the Sea by Henrik Ibsen; and lastly El Banquete Infinito by Alberto Pedro. The scene and costume design of Banquete Infinito was solely mine, based on my BFA graduating thesis.

The Golden Dragon / El dragon de oro. Design and build of props, costume and scenography elements. Production. Staging, with presentations in Cuba and in the German Theater Festival “Stucke 36. Mulheimer Theatertage NRW 2011”.

Heaven. Design and build of props and scenography elements. Assistant Production and staging. Havana, Cuba 2009.

The Lady of the Sea / La dama del mar. Curtains (drawings). Props and scenography. Assistant of production and staging. Havana, Cuba. 2013.