Paintings and Drawings


  • The third series, The Humble Mirror. Resuming drawing after 8 years without doing something beyond a sketch. Pastel, charcoal on corrugated cardboard. This is an ongoing series of portraits of friends, family, and people randomly photographed.

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  • The first series Aqui encontrara quien vende lo que usted necesita [Here you will find who sells what you need] combines drawings  with 1960 phone-book yellow pages, printed at a time when the private-business industry was still alive and performing well in  Cuba. In it I touch upon the precarious economic situation that exists in Cuba.
  • The drawings are mostly comprised of a combination of portraits and collage, using graphite, pastel and charcoal.

Ud. (You) 2006. 63 x 102 cm. Pastel, acrylic, coffee, collage on cardboard. IMG_4365 copyIMG_4368 copy IMG_4392 copy copy

La casa del Tejano (Tejano's house),2006. 102 x 63 cm. Pastel, acrylic, collage on cardboard. Pequeño gigante (Little giant). 2006 102 x 63. Pastel, collage on carton. Libros de uso (Used books), 2006. 102 x 63 cm. Pastel, acrylic, collage on cardboard.Una carniceria distinta (One different butchery shop), 2006. 102 x 63 cm. Pastel, acrylic, collage on cardboard.

  • The second series Somos [We are] builds upon the same idea but this time using white-pages that contain listings of people. The concept is to randomly choose a name and use it as a window into a person’s image, that I then render in a portrait incorporating different types of media and supports.

Hero of the revolution, Liborio. Herencia Azul, Blue Inheritance. 2011. 150 x 100cm. charcoal, acrylic, collage on canvas Melesio Bajo custodia. 2011. 100 x 150cm. charcoal, acrylic, collage on canvas

  Gráfico 12 copy El amor de Tamara, Tamara's love. RolandoGráfico 13 copy

Gráfico 14 copy Gráfico 4 copy  Gráfico 5 copy Gráfico 9 copy

  • The third series of drawings QJTs incorporates collage pieces taken from the Don Quixote of La Mancha novel. I create drawings based on short snippets of text that I select, which describe an action. I also use pages from a range of other types of printed works that include magazines, and this time the characters and events portrayed in them are contextualized as arising from Don Quixote’s world.


Dos simples Vidas (Two simple lives)


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